Thursday, January 22, 2009


This was kinda just an experiment. It was sort of done on a whim really. I was just really excited to finally have space on my drawing table after about 2 years of not having more than 10 X 10 inches.
Basically this was the first thing that came to mind.


NiteTurner said...

That's really dope.

Flowers? Bryan?

J. Anthony Kosar said...

Crazy man! Where do your ideas come from? Awesome!

bryan said...

Yes flowers. Umm.. my ideas come from everywhere. During school i'd always get some really great ones on the train. That was sort of the only time i really had to sort of just zone out. This stuff just comes to me. Sometimes I make them right away and other times I really kind of think about them and analyze them in my head. When i do that though, i'm always disappointed by the final result because it doesn't live up to the "vision"

Mack said...

It looks like a web of flower kinda. Very Interesting Idea it came out great too.

bryan said...

Thanks! It was a really spur of the moment idea.