Saturday, May 16, 2009

for the curious....

For anyone that was wondering exactly what the cryptic project I was talking about actually is - I started working on a comic book. Its just a personal project, not commissioned or anything like that, sadly. I'd have announced that to the world if that happened! The image to the right is an indication that I am in the VERY EARLY stages of this, but I have a big plan for what is to come.

What else I have is an entire storyline written out, with characters established and a detailed story figured-out and thought through. As all of you who know me could imagine, it's basically science-fiction/action oriented. The next step is going to be scripting and doing the artwork for the actual pages. Again, a fair amount of this I already have figured out, it's just a matter of getting on it. So here is one of the main characters. It's not really much right now, and this isn't a fully realized image of him (colored and all). Again, this is a VERY EARLY stage in this whole process. And yes, he is an alien...


pea said...

Looks a bit like....a bug. Is it supposed to? But remember, I always see things in your teddy bears. Maybe it's an indication you shouldn't listen to me haha

NiteTurner said...

This sounds kinda scary.
I prolly shouldn't even ask what it is really about.

bryan said...

I don't think there's really a whole lot of scary stuff in there really.

But, there is a lot going on in the story. umm.. betrayal, cover-ups, conspiracies, alien-technology/biology/radiology, heroics, over-coming adversities. ...iI don't want to give too much away :/

J. Anthony Kosar said...

Very cool, right up your alley!

Cant wait to see more!