Friday, May 1, 2009

Have you considered a career in art?

Most of the people that I know that are involved with art have to work other jobs they'd rather not be working to support themselves or their artistic endeavors. Sometimes it feels (for me at least), like by going to my other job, I'm killing the creative part of myself.

Although, with that said, I'm actually in the early stages of a very ambitious project that is going to be very time consuming. So for the two of you (in a good month) that check site out, it'll probably be a longer while before I put another piece up here.


J. Anthony Kosar said...

Very cool man, gives me an uneasy feeling looking at this one, very foreboding. I know what you mean about working other jobs that kill your creative self. Hopefully this economy will get back on its feet and the world will embrace artists once again. We shall see. Anyway, good luck with your ambitious project, cant wait to see it!

bryan said...

Thanks Anthony! I was really trying to push the dark/grim vibe on this. I also wanted to get into some surrealism too (pay close attention to the windowframe. And hopefully the world will embrace its artists again because there are too many great ones going unnoticed/underappreciated.

My project... I'll probably post a little something about it in a week or so. depends how the work on it starts moving.

By the way Anthony, if anyone would know, it's you.... Do you know of any sci-fi conventions in the area...or even out of the area i guess. Any at all? Thanks!

Matthew McCarty said...

Great idea. I know exactly what it's like dragging your feet to the uncreative job to pay the bills for the good one. Can't wait to hear about this big gig you got. Keep it up,

bryan said...

Thanks Matt! So much of this idea just fell into place for me. And (if you havent checked it yet) my most recent post sheds a lot more light on what I was referring to in my last post. I didn't want to get everyone's hopes too far up, so I thought I'd include everyone else in on what's going on.

NiteTurner said...

I agree completely about this killing my creative side. It's almost like Navy Pier holds license to my creative side until I'm done working for them.

How are you guys dealing with the pressures of ridonculous loans and the weak economy.

bryan said...

Jesse i didn't know you worked at navy pier! That sounds fun.

And basically about half of my check goes to paying off my loans. And you? any of you?