Sunday, July 27, 2008

Pierogifest, misc.

I wanted to say thanks to anyone who might be reading this who checked out my booth at Pierogifest this weekend. I really appreciate you taking the time to see what other pieces I have and I'm glad you found my work interesting enough to look into. Anyone who picked up a business card Friday or Saturday, the other website address on the back is incorrect. The actual website is I'm incredibly sorry about that mix-up!

Thanks again, I really appreciate it!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

My Favorite

This is probably my favorite piece i've ever done.


Nature gets thirsty too


Can you read it? Can you see his eye and hand?

Angry Chair

A visual to go with the Alice In Chains song "Angry Chair"

At both ends...

Visual metaphor for "Burning the Candle At Both Ends" gets lost somewhere in between


see below

Sorry, but...

...this is probably what will happen

The Media

See Below

Too Much T.V. ...

More of my jaded views of the media



For an article about a woman in an abusive relationship

Out of This World


Anything involving aliens fascinates me incredibly

The Sun and Moon

The sun and the moon and all the craziness in between


An old piece I had lying around unfinished for a long time.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Its Andy.