Wednesday, September 10, 2008

This was inspired by a couple of different things. So some of it might not make a whole lot of sense together. Or that might make it easier to read too much into it. Either way, it is a slight change of pace, which is always good.


J. Anthony Kosar said...

Hey man! This is AWESOME!!!!!! I think it is my favorite piece you ever did!!! Very cool composition! Love the idea!! Color choice works excellent! Wow! Nice job!

J. Anthony Kosar said...

How did you come up with this idea?

bryan said...

Thank you! I'm really glad you dig it!! Probably the biggest inspiration for it was a show i watched on the Sci-Fi channel Junior year called "sci-fi investigates" and a team basically went to New Orleans and studied voodoo practices/rituals. Thats always been a point of interest for me, so that show was the push for me to do something regarding all of that. i rememebered some of the images i saw on the program and just.. did what i do to those types of ideas i get. and yes, i've had a rough sketch of that in a sketch book for almost two years.

Anonymous said...

hey! i followed your link from DA (: i love this piece, it's my absolute favorite of yours. i like that you've taken risks with it, and it's somewhat controversial. and it just.. looks really inspired. plus i love the floor on the picture, it's really well-drawn! nice job. if you want to check out my site, its !